The next installment of Final Fantasy XIII, entitled "Lightning's Return" was said to be released in February of 2014 this week. If you would like to watch the official trailer you can do so above. In other JRPG news, Namco Bandai announced "Tales of Symphonia Chronicles" this week. It will be an HD collection of both Tales of Symphonia, and its sequel, Dawn of the New World. Chronicles will be released exclusively on the PS3. Originally, Symphonia was a Gamecube exclusive when it was released in 2003, and New World was a Wii exclusive on its release in 2008.
During the preparation for E3, the Los Angeles convention center put up a very interesting billboard. The billboard said " Dark Souls 2," with Marth 2014" written below. Obviously we can expect to see the sequel for the player killing franchise early next year. We can also speculate that it will be released on current generation, as well as next generation consoles.
Click here for more info.
Sony announced that they will be putting 2 free to play MMOs on the Playstation 4, Planetside 2, and DC Universe online. Planetside is an MMOFPS featuring massive battles on a constant battlefield. DC Universe is a superhero MMORPG where you can create your own hero and fight alongside popular superheroes like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. Also, some good news for Playstation Plus members, this is going to be the best month to be a member. June's free to play list for Playstation Plus features Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Saint's Row: The Third, Machinarium, Orc Attack, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Little Big Planet Karting, and Uncharted 3 for Playstation 3, and for the Vita you can download Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, and God Eater Burst. Keep in mind that these games are only free to play if you download them for as long as you are a Playstation Plus member. Source.
There's a new indie game on the way from Celsius Game Studios, called Drifter. Drifter is an open world space exploration game with an emphasis on trading. You take the role of a starship and can mine asteroids for ore, transport cargo between planets, hunt pirates for bounties, or even become a pirate yourself. It will be a sandbox game with a procedurally generated galaxy up to one hundred thousand light years across, and with the potential for tens of thousands of star systems. You can pre-order the game on their website here, which will also give you access to the Beta. You can also vote for the game on Steam Greenlight.
A new Skylanders game is coming this October of this year. Skylanders: Swap Force is coming to North America on October 13th, Australia on the 16th, and Europe on the 18th. Swap Force features special new Skylanders figures which have interchangeable parts. This allows for players to customize their own characters with different appearances and abilities. It will be developed on Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii, Wii U, and the 3DS. Source.
Upcoming Games Thief 4, and Saints Row 4, both released trailers this week. Both games look pretty epic, for different reasons of course. You can watch them above, and below.
That's all for this week's Breaking News. Check back next week for the breakdown of this years E3. Next week I'll be reviewing Grid 2, and continuing my Gamers vs Anita Sarkeesian series, if you would like to read part one, click here. Don't forget to subscribe for notifications whenever we post new content.
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