Grid 2 is a racing game developed by Codemasters. It was released on May 27th for PC and May 28th for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Grid is a track based racing game that features many real world locations such as Miami, Paris and Hong Kong. In the game, you can own and drive hundreds of cars from the last four decades. It includes a campaign mode, as well as 5 different versus modes.
Story - 8
Audio - 7
I'm going to come right out and say it, the voice acting in this game is horrible. The only real voice you hear is Callahan's, and he gets very irritating very quickly. Occasionally he offers good advice, like how to take turns, but most of the time he just constantly reminds you that you need to pass the car in front of you. Other than that there isn't much to complain about with the audio. The soundtrack isn't all that noticeable because no music actually plays till the last lap, but it is quite good. It also does a great job with the sound effects. One of my complaints with racing games, is that most of the time the sound of the engine revving is too loud to really make out other noise. In Grid 2, they find a great balance between making the engine purr, but not blare.
Video - 9
Grid 2 is a beautiful game. All the cars look amazing and interact with the world in breathtaking ways. Smoke comes off the tires as you drift, your tailpipe jutters as you go over bumps in the road, and your car shows wear and tear if you drive recklessly. Like several games before it, when you crash the game slows down to show you exactly what happened. There's only one thing that bothered me in this game: bald people. On a course, I spun out of control and ended up stopping right next to the stands with people sitting in them. I soon realized that they all had no hair what soever. At first I dismissed this as just a simple glitch, but I began noticing it in other races as well. Part of me finds this to be lazy texturing, the other finds it kind of funny.
Gameplay - 9
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Grid 2 is a great racing game, whether you are a fan of the genre or not. Its the type of game that you can play seriously, or just get a bunch of friends together and have a fun time. All in all, Grid 2 comes out with an 8.2 from me. While it is lacking in some areas, it is still a fantastic game to play. Grid 2 is also a great game for the whole family. There isn't really anything offensive in its content, and there are a good number of beginner courses. If you like cars, fun competition, and messy crashes, this is a great game for you.
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